• A friend recently asked me about why people used to cover themselves in ashes and as I considered how best to answer her I figured the process God led me through would make a good post as well. She had been directed to Isaiah 61:3 which as most of you probably know has become a…


  • Do you ever stop and think back on your life?  Who are you?  Where have you come from?  Where are you going?  What is your purpose?  Do you have an answer for all of these, or any of them at all?  Now if you are a child of God in Christ, consider what you’ve become…

  • I have been a Christian for about 8.5 years and I would like to say that I’ve been able to trust in my God and Savior with my whole heart.  The problem is that is simply not the case.  While I have learned and grown through the years I still have a lot of distrust. …


  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=pPQm-7tONvk Great new song from Sidewalk Prophets

  • “We were settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves.”    – David Platt: Radical (p. 7) Here we are.  America, 2012.  The pressing issues in the nation? The economy, presidential elections, gay-rights, and a flurry of other not-so-important issues that each of…